“There were a lot of shore bombardments, carrier chasing, and we were one of the few ships to take a direct hit on our forward gun mount. …I was on the deck on the same side that the ship was hit and saw the flash. We then went to battle stations.”
Petty Officer 2nd Class James Battenfelder, USN
The United States Navy Memorial Stories of Service Program is honored to announce the July 2021 story of the month has been selected to recognize the service of United States Navy Veteran, Petty Officer 2nd Class James Battenfelder. The United States Navy Memorial Stories of Service Program was privileged to interview Petty Officer 2nd Class James Battenfelder at the USS Keppler DD 765 Reunion held in Newark New Jersey in the Spring of 2018.
It was with a heavy heart for the members of the Navy Memorial Stories of Service team to learn of the passing of Petty Officer 2nd Class James Battenfelder in June of 2021. The Stories of Service team unanimously decided that the July 2021 Story of the Month be named in his honor. We wish PO2 Battenfelder fair winds and following seas.
Petty Officer 2nd Class Battenfelder was intrigued to join the United States Navy to serve his country and broaden his horizons after completing school. He spoke fondly of his basic training experience and shared, “it was interesting and great to meet people from different cultures...I joined the Navy to see the world." Upon completing basic training, he was ordered to Newport Rhode Island and assigned to the destroyer, USS Keppler DD 765. He was immediately inspired by the sight of his new home. He recalled, "it was interesting because everyone was everyone’s friend.” A short time after joining the crew, the USS Keppler was ordered to South East Asia.
Aboard ship, PO2 Battenfelder began as a boatswain’s mate. His tasks working on the deck changed when his interest of electronics became known and he was soon assigned to the Dash Division. The Dash Division was a new concept utilizing radio-controlled helicopters which launched from the decks of warships. Upon entering hostile waters off the coast of Vietnam, PO2 Battenfelder remarked, “There were a lot of shore bombardments, carrier chasing, and we were one of the few ships to take a direct hit on our forward gun mount. We had to highline four of the wounded to the USS Canberra…I was on the deck on the same side that the ship was hit and saw the flash. We then went to battle stations.”
Due to the damages sustained from North Vietnamese Forces, the USS Keppler was ordered home after repair attempts failed at Subic Bay. The USS Keppler sailed through the Suez Canal and completed an around the world cruise. After repairs were made, the ship entered the Mediterranean Sea and encountered Soviet vessels during the height of the Cold War. PO2 Battenfelder shared vivid memories of his service experiences which will be honored, celebrated, and recognized by the Navy Memorial for generations to come.
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Navy Memorial Archival Research E for Excellence Award.
Part One Joining the Navy and Reporting to the USS Keppler
Part Three Circumnavigating the Globe on the USS Keppler
Part Five Returning Home in 1970 and Attending Reunions
Part Two Sailing to Vietnam and being Attacked by Enemy Fire
Part Four Memories of the Mediterranean Sea and the Soviets
The United States Navy Memorial honors United States Navy Veteran, Petty Officer 2nd Class James Battenfelder, featured within this series titled, Tales from the Navy Log, Story of the Month. Each month, this series honors a Veteran’s story recorded by the Stories of Service Program at the Navy Memorial. To learn more about this story and to explore the Navy Memorial archive, visit the Navy Memorial Stories of Service site at https://www.navymemorial.org/stories-of-service.
To view this interview please visit the USS Keppler Veterans Collection on the Navy Memorial Stories of Service page.