During his tenure in early 2000, the 9th Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON), Jim Herdt, tasked Journalist 1st Class Dave Luckett with conducting historical interviews of previous MCPONs.
This video series shares the raw, unedited history of the MCPON's office - spoken by those who laid the keel. You will hear how the office transformed into the trusted and respected entity it is today and how each MCPON contributed to policies and programs that improved the quality of life of all Sailors.
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Chapter 1: MCPON Delbert D. Black, 13 January 1967 to 1 April 1971
Listen to Delbert D. Black speak about the conditions in the Navy that led to the creation of the MCPON's office and how the selection process was conducted.
Hear of his first meeting with CNO Admiral McDonald, who openly voiced his failure to see a need or even want for such a position, and how MCPON Black began the office largely without his support.
Chapter 2: MCPON Jack D. Whittet, 1 April 1971 to 25 September 1975
Learn where to find the written history of MCPON Whittet, which details the many challenges he managed during a time of tremendous transformation for the Navy. These changes were brought about by Admiral Zumwalt’s initiatives to bring dignity and respect to Navy personnel through over 100 Z-grams. Unfortunately, MCPON Whittet tragically died in a recreational scuba diving accident in 1989 and could not be interviewed.
Chapter 3: MCPON Robert "Bob" J. Walker, 25 September 1975 to 28 September 1979
Listen to MCPON Walker speak of his entry into the Navy, assignments, and ultimate selection as the MCPON 3. He describes the challenges he endured during his tour, helping the Navy navigate difficulties around race relations and drug use.
MCPON Walker stood up the Navy’s first Family Service Center in Norfolk. Additionally, he began the initiative to establish the Navy’s Senior Enlisted Academy.
Chapter 4: MCPON Thomas S. Crow, 28 September 1979 to 1 October 1982
Hear MCPON Crow speak of his efforts to help the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) steady the Navy in the aftermath of the Zumwalt transformation. Learn how he established drug testing for all paygrades, opened the Senior Enlisted Academy that MCPON Walker began, and expanded the Family Service Centers Navy-wide. Additionally, hear how MCPON Crow's spouse accompanied him to interface with commands and families on behalf of the CNO.
Chapter 5: MCPON Billy C. Sanders, 1 October 1982 to 4 October 1985
Listen to MCPON Sanders speak of his entry into the Navy after first serving a tour with the U.S. Air Force and the assignments that ultimately led to his selection as MCPON 5. Hear him describe the importance he placed on Sailors exercising their right to vote, the effort to begin the Navy Physical Fitness Program, and getting Sailors in pay grades E1-E6 back into the traditional uniforms known as “crackerjacks." MCPON Sanders also offers his thoughts on the changes brought by Admiral Zumwalt and the importance of the CPO Mess.
Chapter 6: MCPON William H. Plackett, 4 October 1985 to 9 September 1988
Hear MCPON Plackett speak of his entry into the Navy, his assignments, how he met and married his high school sweetheart, and his ultimate selection as MCPON 5. MCPON Plackett describes the changing expectations of enlisted leadership and his efforts to begin a training continuation. He also highlights the importance and impact of Sailors’ families and shares how his wife, Karen, was appointed as the Navy’s first ombudsman at large. Her job became advising the CNO on issues affecting Sailors' families and family life.
Listen to MCPON Bushey talk of the challenges the Navy faced as Gulf War 1, Desert Shield, and Desert Storm began.
Though systematic changes were already set into motion, MCPON Bushey speaks of the challenges he faced in beginning real reform of the CPO initiation process when told by the CNO to end it. He also details how he dealt with a Navy reeling from the impact of the Tailhook scandal.
Hear MCPON Hagan talk about taking office at the same time the Navy began a Selected Early Retirement Board (SERB) process to downsize the number of CPOs in uniform after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Learn how he raised the standards of Navy personnel by renewing focus on Physical Fitness and setting standards for warfare qualification. MCPON Hagan also speaks about his role in emphasizing Navy history and heritage, adopting the Navy's core values, and continuing the improvement of CPO initiation. He would serve five and a half years versus the standard 3 to 4 years to see the Navy through the untimely death of CNO Boorda.
Listen to MCPON Herdt tell the story of how the office had matured and how its work had progressed with the growing professionalism of the enlisted Sailor. Hear how he brought the Navy College Program to fruition, a program that has increased the capability and capacity of the force in general – and the CPO Mess in particular.
Learn how MCPON Herdt fought for and won the right of Sailors to transfer their VA educational benefits to their family members (if desired) and the successful pass of a matching 401K plan by Congress called the Thrift Savings plan for them.